Art. 1. The present general articles are intended to regulate the relations between “Integra-A” EOOD, with EIK 831601754, registered office, Sofia, blvd. Yanko Sakazov 32, apartment 13, written below for the PROVIDERS website, and clients, written below USERS, of the platform for electronic transportation integra-a.bg, written below “integra-a.bg” and its affiliates stuff in it.
Art. 2. Information on the Law on Electronic Trafficking and the Law on Consumer Protection:
Information about the company that processes your data:
Name: “Integra-A” EOOD
EIK/BULSTAT: 831601754
Address for correspondence: Sofia, Blvd. Yanko Sakazov 32, apartment 13
Phone: 0888 66 09 55
E-mail: office@integra-a.bg
Website: www.integra-a.bg
Information about the competent supervisory authority for the protection of personal data
Name: Personal Data Protection Commission
Headquarters and management address: Sofia 1592, “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” No. 2
Address for correspondence: Sofia 1592, “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” No. 2
Phone: 02 915 3 518
Website: www.cpdp.bg
Art. 3. integra-a.bg is an e-commerce platform, accessible as part of contracts for the general supply and delivery of goods from the vendors on the platform, including o the following:
1. To perform encryption and create a profile for viewing the e-store of Provider on the integra-a.bg platform and using the additional links for promotions of information;
2. To view the products, technical specifications, prices and delivery instructions;
3. To conclude with suppliers contracts for the general supply and delivery of the goods offered by suppliers on the integra-a.bg platform
4. To make any payments in connection with the concluded contracts through the integra-a.bg electronic payments platform.
5. To receive information about new products offered by suppliers on the integra-a.bg platform;
6. To make electronic statements in connection with the conclusion or execution of contracts with suppliers in the integra-a.bg platform through the interface of the integra-a.bg website, on the Internet;
7. To be notified of the violations arising from the law, preferably through the interface of the integra-a.bg platform on the Internet;
8. To observe the applicable liability under the Consumer Protection Act.
Art. 4. The deliverers in the integra-a.bg platform organize the delivery of the goods and guarantee the rights of the users provided by the law, in the records of the good deeds, as stated in the The policy, the consumer or the traffic police, the petitions and the terms.
Art. 5. (1). The contract is concluded in the Bulgarian language and is published in the database of provider in the platform.
(2) On the basis of the contract with the user for the general supply of goods, the seller in the integra-a.bg platform is obliged to organize the delivery and processing of the goods The activity of the user is determined by him through the interface in the platform. Users have the right to correct errors when entering information, rather than sending the statement of conclusion of the contract to the corresponding document in the platform mat integra-a.bg.
(3) Users shall pay to the Delivery Agent of the platform or the corresponding selected delivery agent in the integra-a.bg platform the remuneration for the delivered goods, in full, before in the integra-a.bg platform and the existing general rules. The refund is based on the price announced on the integra-a.bg platform.
(4) Through the integra-a.bg platform, the person who will carry out the delivery of the goods requested by the users in the packages and under the terms specified in the integra-a.bg platform and the applicable general terms and conditions.
Art. 6. (1) The User, the Provider and the individual providers in the integra-a.bg platform agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and execution of the contract for Requests can be made electronically and via electronic statements The meaning of the Law on electronic document and electronic signature and art. 11 of the Law on Electronic Crime.
(2) It is assumed that the electronic statements made by the users of the site are made by the persons identified in the data submitted by the user when making the request tion that the user has entered the appropriate name and password for access.
(3) Privacy Policy:
Right of access:
At any time, you have the right to request information about your personal data that we store. You can contact “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg, after which your personal data will be provided to you via e-mail.
Right of portability:
When “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg processes your personal data in an automated manner based on your consent or on the basis of an agreement, you have the right to receive a copy of your data in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format , transferred to you or to another party. This only includes the personal data you have provided to us.
Right to rectification:
You have the right to request correction of your personal data if it is incorrect, including completion of incomplete personal data. If you have an account in “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg, you can edit your personal data in your profile page.
Right to erasure:
You have the right to delete all personal data processed by “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg at any time, except in the following situations:
For more information you can visit our Privacy Policy here!
Art. 7. (1) In order to use integra-a.bg for concluding contracts for the wholesale supply of goods, the user must enter his/her name and address for remote access or and went through the procedure for the “fast order” from the site of provider, that he met the existing general rules.
(2) The name and password for remote access will be assigned by the user by performing an online authentication on the website of the Doctor in the platform http://www.integra-a.bg, in a secure manner the woman in his process.
(3) By filling in the data and pressing the “Login” or “Logout” buttons, the user declares that he is familiar with these general terms and conditions we and are trying unconditionally to respect them. It is considered that the User is familiar with these general terms and accepts them, if he has completed the procedure for the “fast order”.
(4) The operator of the integra-a.bg platform confirms the authentication performed by the user by sending a letter to the user’s electronic receipt. This creates the user’s account and contractual relations arise between it and Provider on the integra-a.bg platform.
(5) When performing the authentication, the user is obliged to provide physical and digital data. The user is obliged to periodically update the data entered in his/her registration.
(6) Right of access:
At any time, you have the right to request information about your personal data that we store. You can contact “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg, after which your personal data will be provided to you via e-mail.
Right of portability:
When “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg processes your personal data in an automated manner based on your consent or on the basis of an agreement, you have the right to receive a copy of your data in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format , transferred to you or to another party. This only includes the personal data you have provided to us.
Right to rectification:
You have the right to request correction of your personal data if it is incorrect, including completion of incomplete personal data. If you have an account in “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg, you can edit your personal data in your profile page.
Right to erasure:
You have the right to delete all personal data processed by “Integra-A” EOOD and integra-a.bg at any time, except in the following situations:
For more information you can visit our Privacy Policy here!
Art. 8. Users primarily use the interface of the Doctavči page in the integra-a.bg platform to conclude contracts for the general supply of the provider products. all in the integra-a.bg platform.
Art. 9. Users conclude the contract for the purchase and supply of goods on the integra-a.bg platform in the following manner:
(1) The outburst of the pegration in the integra-a.bg or the inputs of the facook and the exemplary of the deposits, if the NO, if The Integra’s program.
(2) Joining the system for issuing orders in the integra-a.bg platform by identifying the name and gender;
(3) Deletion of one or more of the items listed in the integra-a.bg platform and adding them to the list of items for the request.
(4) Selection of goods from the list of goods for the request of the respective suppliers in the integra-a.bg platform, in order to conclude a contract for the general supply.
(5) Submission of data for making the delivery;
(6) Choice of method and moment of payment of the price.
(7) Dismissal of the order;
(8) In case of exchange of goods, the transport costs are at the expense of the User in both directions, unless the exchange was necessary due to the fault of the electronic store or the Seller. In case the customer wishes to exchange or return a product, this can be done with the courier company Speedy.
Information on the rights of users arising from the legal guarantee under Art. 112-115 of the Civil Code.
Art. 112. In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract, the consumer has the right to file a complaint, asking the seller to bring the goods into compliance with the sales contract. In this case, the consumer can choose between repairing the product or replacing it with a new one, unless this is impossible or the method of compensation chosen by him is disproportionate compared to the other.
It is considered that a given method of compensation to the consumer is disproportionate if its use imposes costs on the seller which, compared to the other method of compensation, are unreasonable, taking into account: 1. the value of the consumer goods, if there was no lack of discrepancy; 2. the significance of the discrepancy; the possibility of offering the user another way of compensation that is not associated with significant inconvenience for him.
Art. 113. When the consumer goods do not conform to the sales contract, the seller is obliged to bring them into compliance with the sales contract.
Bringing the consumer goods into compliance with the sales contract must be carried out within one month, counted from the submission of the complaint by the consumer.
After the expiration of the term under para. 2 the consumer has the right to cancel the contract and to be reimbursed the amount paid or to request a reduction in the price of the consumer goods according to Art. 114.
Bringing the consumer goods into compliance with the sales contract is free of charge for the consumer. He does not owe the cost of shipping the consumer product or the materials and labor involved in repairing it, and he should not suffer significant inconvenience.
The user may also request compensation for damages suffered as a result of the non-compliance.
Art. 114. In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract and when the consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint under Art. 113, he has the right to choose between one of the following options:
• cancellation of the contract and refund of the amount paid by him;
• Price Reduction;
The consumer cannot claim a refund of the amount paid or a reduction in the price of the goods when the trader agrees to replace the consumer goods with a new one or to repair the goods within one month of the consumer’s complaint.
The merchant is obliged to satisfy a request for cancellation of the contract and to refund the amount paid by the consumer, when, after having satisfied three complaints of the consumer by carrying out repairs of the same product, within the warranty period under Art. 115, there is a subsequent occurrence of non-compliance of the goods with the sales contract.
The consumer cannot claim to cancel the contract if the non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract is insignificant.
Art. 115. The consumer may exercise his right under this section within a period of up to two years, counted from the delivery of the consumer goods. The term under para. 1 ceases to run during the time necessary for the repair or replacement of the consumer goods or for reaching an agreement between the seller and the consumer to resolve the dispute. The exercise of the user’s right under para. 1 is not bound by any other term for filing a claim, other than the term under para. 1.
In the event that there is no office of the courier companies Speedy or Econt in the User’s place of residence, he must contact the Seller by phone to specify the details of the return of the goods.
Art. 10. (1) The providers of the integra-a.bg platform and the users conclude separate contracts for the wholesale supply of the products requested by the users, regardless of whether but the electronic statement is also one piece of the application.
(2) The delivery person in the integra-a.bg platform can organize the delivery of the goods ordered under the separate bulk-supply contracts together and simultaneously. The delivery of the orders of the users, which are carried out by the selected through the integra-a.bg platform, the delivery of the corresponding product, of which the user is aware in our Delivery time.
(3) The rights of the users in connection with the delivered goods, which they observe separately for each general supply contract. The notice of failure in connection with the delivery of the goods does not trigger and has no effect on the relationship of the contracts for the purchase-supply of the goods. In the case that the user has the status of a consumer according to the Law on the Protection of Consumers, the observance of the right of refusal from the contract for general supply The ban on the specified item does not affect the contract for the wholesale supply of the items delivered to the consumer.
Art. 11. Compliance with the contract for the general supply The user is obliged to accurately and unambiguously comply with the contract and the price, in relation to exercise the laws.
Art. 12. The user can pay the price for the separate contracts for the bulk-supply at once when placing the order of the goods or at the time of delivery.
Art. 13. The provisions of the current part VII of these general provisions apply only to direct users, for whom, according to the data, the conclusion of the contract for the use of the delivery or the registration in integra-a.bg, may lead to the conclusion that the customers pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Traffic Act and/or Directive 2011/83/EO of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011
Art. 14. (1) The main specifications of the products offered by the suppliers on the integra-a.bg platform are specified in the profile of each product on the integra-a.bg platform.
(2) The price of the goods includes all taxes and such that is allocated by the seller in the integra-a.bg platform and saved by the seller in the profile of each item in the integra-a platform .bg.
(3) The cost of the postal or electronic means, not included in the price of the goods, which is determined by the Doctor in the integra-a.bg platform and which provides this information to the User the items before the sale of the goods for the conclusion of the contract for the supply-supply;
(4) The acts of payment, delivery and execution of the contract are specified in the present general guidelines and the information provided to the user through the mechanisms in the platform integra-a.bg.
(5) The information provided to the users according to this article is valid at the moment of its visualization in the integra-a.bg platform before the conclusion of the contract for general supply. ba.
(6) Users agree that all information required by the Law on the Protection of Consumers can be submitted through the interface of the integra-a.bg platform or electronically will.
Art. 15. (1) The customer declares that the suppliers in the integra-a.bg platform have the right to accept advance payment for the contracts concluded with the customer eyes and its delivery.
(2) The customer chooses personally whether to pay the delivery price of the goods before or at the time of their delivery to the shippers in the integra-a.bg platform.
(3) In the event that the value of the customer’s order is equal to or exceeds BGN 200, payment shall be made only by bank transfer or direct debit to the payment account of provider.
Art. 16. (1) The consumer has the right, without owing compensation or anything and without giving any reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract in a total of 30 days, counted from the date of acceptance on the site of those selected through the integra-a.bg platform through the single form for the termination of the contract, available on the site of Provider in the platform integra-a.bg of adpec integra- a.bg/terms-and-conditions-integra-a/ and in Appendix No. 1 to these general terms. Information on how to observe the right of refusal is available at integra-a.bg/terms-and-conditions-integra-a/ and in Appendix No. 2 to these general rules.
(2) The right to a response under para. 1 does not apply in the following cases:
1. for the delivery of goods manufactured at the request of the consumer or in accordance with his individual requirements;
2. for the delivery of goods, which, in case of damage, may deteriorate their quality or have a short shelf life;
3. for the delivery of sealed goods, which are sealed before their delivery and cannot be opened due to hygiene or health protection ;
4. for the delivery of goods that, after being delivered, were found to be mixed with other goods from which they cannot be separated;
5. for the delivery of sealed voice recordings or video recordings or sealed computer software, which are sealed before delivery;
6. for the delivery of magazines, periodicals or newspapers, excluding subscription contracts for the delivery of such publications;
(3) When the customer in the integra-a.bg platform has not fulfilled the obligations and for the provision of information, specified in the Law on the Protection of Citizens, the customer has the right to cancel from the conclusion of the contract in cpoĸ up to 30 days, counted from the date of receipt on the street. When the information is submitted to the citizen in the records of the company for the reason, it starts to run from the date of its submission. The citizen has the right to withdraw the statement o for cancellation according to this article directly before the corresponding document through the single form for cancellation of the contract, available on the website of Add to the integra-a.bg platform application No. 1 to these general guidelines.
(4) When the customer has observed the right to the contract of storage or the contract outside the object of the trade, the bank to which the payment was made shall refund All messages received by the consumer, including delivery messages, without undue delay and no later of 30 days, counted from the date on which he was informed of the customer’s request to withdraw from the contract. The provider shall refund the received fees using the same payment method used by the consumer at the time of the initial payment, unless the consumer has maintained an exemption. but the interest in using a different payment method and the fact that this is not mandatory for the consumer.
(5) Upon confirmation of the right of refusal, the orders for the return of the delivered goods that fall under the compensation for restoration according to al. 4, especially in cases where the citizen organizes the return of the goods for his own purpose. The carrier is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs for the delivery of the goods, if the consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the goods other than the cheapest one. Standard delivery provided by the Delivery Service.
(6) If the payment method is not selected – after the receipt, review and review, the citizen may file a right of refusal immediately with the responsible person of the company in question. In this case, you should immediately hand over the item to me and pay the shipping charges for returning it to the courier.
(7) The user is obliged to export the received documents in the platform and to ensure the preservation of the accuracy and safety during the contract according to al. 1.
(8) The customer can exercise his right to withdraw from the contract by sending a written statement to provider through the standard contract withdrawal form available at adpec httрs://integra-a.bg/contact-us-integra-a/ in the integra-a.bg platform and in Application No. 1 to these general guidelines.
(9) When the seller on the integra-a.bg platform has not offered to collect the goods, he can withhold payment of the customer’s fees until he receives the goods or until the beneficiary did not provide proof that he suffered the opposite, in relation to this , which of the two means more.
Art. 17. (1) The cost of product delivery is determined for each product separately upon conclusion of the contract with the consumer through the Delivery site on the integra-a.bg platform.
(2) In the case that the customer and the shipper in the integra-a.bg platform have not specified a delivery time, the delivery time of the goods is 90 days, counted from the date following the shipment The delivery of the customer’s order to the corresponding delivery service through the website of the delivery service in the integra-a.bg platform.
(3) If the seller in the integra-a.bg platform cannot fulfill the contract due to the fact that he does not have the ordered goods, he is obliged to inform the consumer about this and to refund the payment the tenets.
Art. 18. The user on the integra-a.bg platform is obliged to comply with all requirements set forth in Bulgarian legislation, including labeling, advertising and sales a on supplements.
Art. 19. (1) The seller in the integra-a.bg platform can organize the delivery and delivery of the product to the user from the respective seller in the specified time on the contractual term.
(2) The term under para. 1 is not normally open between the parties before concluding the contract, the delivery person in the integra-a.bg platform organizes the delivery and delivery of the goods from the respective party a teacher or a digital library in a temporary cpoĸ, but not longer than 2 months.
Art. 20. (1). the integra-a.bg platform.
(2) If the user does not control provider in the platform integra-a.bg completely al. 1 point will be considered for approval if it meets the requirements, except for written defects.
Art. 21. Donors on the integra-a.bg platform are not obliged to obtain the necessary visa for the site.
Art. 22. For the cases not specified in this section, the general commercial provision, defined in the sale law, applies.
Art. 23. (1) The owner of the integra-a.bg platform takes measures to protect the user’s personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
(2) In accordance with the provisions on the privacy of the users’ personal data, the User in the integra-a.bg platform will send the data to the e-mail address that was sent by the users in ment of the pegitpation.
(3) The user in the integra-a.bg platform has the right to exchange data in the public domain of the user, unless the latter normally maintains the privacy for this a.
(4) The user or the client agrees that the provider of the integra-a.bg platform has the right to send electronic messages to the user or the client at any time, including newsletter or offers to request products, as long as user or consumer authentication is available in the e-store of the provider on the integra-a.bg platform.
(5) The user or consumer claims that the provider of the integra-a.bg platform has the right to collect, extract and process data on the behavior of the user or consumer. The launch of the online store of the provider on the integra-a.bg platform.
Art. 24. (1) At any moment, the integra-a.bg platform has the right to demand from the User that he is legitimate and that he proves the doctorate of each one of the advertisements at the time on the encryption of entities and personal data.
(2) In the event that for some reason the user has forgotten or lost his name and address, the administrator of the integra-a.bg platform has the right to apply the announced “Procedure for lost or lost withheld names and addresses”, clicked on the following link: https://integra-a/ассоunt/fоrgоtраѕѕwоrd/
(3) For more information you can visit our Privacy Policy here!
Art. 25. (1) The current general terms and conditions may be changed by the integra-a.bg platform provider, of which the latter will inform all registered users in an appropriate way.
(2) The user in the integra-a.bg platform and the user agree that any additions and changes to these general guidelines will affect the user in one of the following cases:
A) after the usual notification by the User in the integra-a.bg platform and if the User did not declare in the provided 30-day period that he was canceling them; or
B) after their publication on the Provider site in the integra-a.bg platform and if the user has not declared within 30 days of their publication that he has unpublished them;
B) c the usual acceptance by the user through my profile on the website in the platform integra-a.bg.
(3) The user agrees that any statements made by provider on the integra-a.bg platform, in connection with the modification of these general terms and conditions, will be sent to the e-mail address an item started by the user after logging in. The user acknowledges that electronic messages sent under this article do not need to be electronically signed to be effective.
Art. 26. The user of the integra-a.bg platform publishes these general terms and conditions at https://integra-a .bg/tеrmѕ-and-conditions-integra-a/ together with all additions and changes therein.
Art. 27. The current general terms and conditions of the User and User Agreement in the integra-a.bg platform shall apply in the following cases:
• resubmission and declaration of liquidation or declaration of insolvency of one of the parties to the agreement;
• mutual agreement between parties in written form;
• the objective impossibility of one of the parties to the contract to fulfill its obligations;
• prior to seizure or sealing of the document by public authorities;
• in case of deletion of the user’s registration in the integra-a.bg platform. In this case, the closed but unexecuted wholesale supply contracts remain in force and are subject to execution;
Art. 28. The user in the integra-a.bg platform has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, in the event that it proves that The user uses the integra-a.bg platform in compliance with the current general terms and conditions. , the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria, the general public rules or the general rules and practices in e-commerce.
Art. 29. The user undertakes to indemnify and indemnify the users in the integra-a.bg platform and the user from legal claims and other claims of third parties (not called whether novated or not), for all damages and losses (including attorneys damages and legal claims) arising out of or in connection with (1) the failure to fulfill any of the obligations under this agreement, (2) the payment of taxes, interest, broadcasting rights or other does not include intellectual or industrial property, (3) improper use to other parties of the party, submitted to the User, for the purpose and performance of the contract and (4) accidental disclosure of the availability or loss of the content according to the Law on the Protection of Citizens.
Art. 30. The user in the integra-a.bg platform is not liable in case of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the Internet, technical or other objective reasons, including and beyond expectations of the competent civil authorities.
Art. 31. (1) The provider of the integra-a.bg platform is not liable for damages caused by the user to third parties.
(2) The user in the integra-a.bg platform and its users are not liable for property damage or non-property damage, whether in actual benefits or damage caused, caused by the user in the course of using or not using integra-a.bg and Conclusion of contracts for the general supply of documents in the integra-a.bg platform.
(3) The owner of the integra-a.bg platform is not responsible for the time during which the platform was not accessible due to force majeure.
(4) The contributor on the integra-a.bg platform is not responsible for any damage caused by comments, opinions and publications under the products, news and articles on the integra-a.bg platform.
Art. 32. (1) The operator of the integra-a.bg platform does not accept the answer in the case of the use of the keys for the technical survey, and this results in loss. of information, respect of information, access to information, restriction of access to information and others supernatural consequences.
(2) The owner of the integra-a.bg platform is not liable in the event of the conclusion of a contract for the supply, provision of access to information, loss or damage exchange of data accumulated in the false identification of the third person who pretends to be the user , although the public may judge that this person is the user.
Art. 33. (1) The User and the Provider in the integra-a.bg platform are obliged to protect each other’s rights and legal interests, as well as to keep the trade secrets and secrets of each other compliance with the execution of the contract and these general provisions.
(2) The user and the Provider in the integra-a.bg platform are obliged, during and after the expiration of the contract period, not to publicly display written or material information on one between them. Public access may include the publication of information in print and electronic media, Internet forums, personal or public websites, etc.
Art. 34. In case of conflict between these general terms and conditions in a special agreement between the Provider of the integra-a.bg platform and the User, the clauses of the the original contract.
Art. 35. The possible invalidity of any of the provisions of these general terms will not lead to the invalidity of the entire agreement.
Art. 36. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not specified in this contract, related to the execution and interpretation of this contract.
Art. 37. The current general terms and conditions enter into force for all users on 02.10.2023.
Art. 38 In case of dispute: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=BG
Published on: 02.10.2023
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The Integra-A team